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Football season is almost upon us. That means one thing: expensive cable or satellite TV packages. Okay, it also means beer commercials and overpriced stadium tickets and quarterbacks trying to sell you car insurance. But in terms of immediate costs, premium TV is up there.

足球赛季快到了。 这意味着一件事:昂贵的有线电视或卫星电视套餐。 好的,这还意味着啤酒广告,价格过高的体育场门票和四分卫试图向您出售汽车保险。 但是就即时成本而言,高端电视还是存在的。

If you’re part of the online-only cord-cutting trend, sports can be a real pain. Luckily, the last few years have seen a rapid expansion in live TV streaming services. Even so, getting access to the major NFL football partners takes a bit of research and legwork.

如果您属于仅限在线使用的剪线趋势,那么运动可能是真正的痛苦。 幸运的是,最近几年直播电视流媒体服务正在Swift扩展。 即便如此,要获得NFL主要足球合作伙伴的访问权也需要一些研究和工作。

Our goal is to spend the least amount of money possible to get as many NFL games as we can, without signing up for conventional cable or satellite TV, signing a contract, or having to buy or rent specific hardware. For the sake of this comparison, we’re also ignoring over-the-air HD broadcasts that can be watched free with an antenna—though . We want to be able to stream all or nearly all NFL games, to desktop browsers, mobile devices, and streaming set-top boxes like Roku, for the absolute cheapest possible amount of money.

我们的目标是花费尽可能少的钱来获得尽可能多的NFL游戏,而无需注册传统的有线电视或卫星电视,签订合同或购买或租用特定硬件。 为了进行比较,我们也忽略了可以通过天线免费观看的空中高清广播,尽管。 我们希望能够将所有或几乎所有NFL游戏流式传输到台式机浏览器,移动设备以及流式机顶盒(如Roku),以尽可能绝对便宜的价格。

您需要哪些电视网络? (Which TV Networks Do You Need?)

In the United States, NFL football games are broadcast every Sunday on over-the-air networks, every Monday night on ESPN’s Monday Night Football, and every Thursday on NFL Network (cable), CBS (broadcast), or NBC (broadcast). Some 2017 games are also available to stream through Amazon.com. There are also some intermittent games on other days of the week, but generally, you’ll be able to tune in almost all Sunday and on Monday and Thursday nights to find a game.

在美国,NFL橄榄球比赛在每个星期日通过无线网络进行广播,在每周一晚上在ESPN的“周一夜足球”中进行广播,在每个星期四通过NFL网络(电缆),CBS(广播)或NBC(广播)进行广播。 一些2017年游戏也可以通过Amazon.com进行流式传输。 在一周的其他日期,也有一些间歇性的游戏,但是通常来说,您几乎可以在所有的周日以及周一和周四的晚上进行调优以找到游戏。

To get the widest possible selection, we want the following channels accessible for streaming:




  • ABC

  • NBC

  • FOX

  • CBS




  • ESPN

  • NFL Network


Note that on Sundays, when many football games overlap, you may be limited to the game chosen for your specific region by your local network affiliate. are also possibilities if the stadium doesn’t sell enough seats, but those are unlikely. It seems probable that the NFL will suspend blackouts entirely for 2017, as it has for the 2015 and 2016 seasons, though that has not been confirmed at the time of writing.

请注意,在星期日,当许多足球比赛重叠时,您可能会局限于本地网络分支机构为特定区域选择的比赛。 如果体育场没有出售足够的席位,也可以进行,但这不太可能。 NFL似乎有可能像2015年和2016赛季一样完全在201​​7年暂停停电,尽管在撰写本文时尚未得到证实。

CBS问题 (The CBS Problem)

In the current streaming world, CBS is like that kid in kindergarten who refuses to play with others and throws a screaming temper tantrum when the teacher tells him to share. While ABC, NBC, and FOX are all available on at least some collective streaming services, CBS is not, forcing customers to pay for its or sign up with a partner like Hulu. Even then, it’s only available in select cities. So it’s more or less impossible to get all six of the broadcast and streaming networks we listed above in a single paid streaming package.

在当前的流媒体世界中,CBS就像那个幼儿园的孩子一样,他拒绝与其他人一起玩,并在老师告诉他分享时发出发脾气的尖叫声。 尽管至少在某些集体流媒体服务上都可以使用ABC,NBC和FOX,但CBS却没有,这迫使客户付费购买其或与Hulu之类的合作伙伴进行注册。 即使如此,它仅在部分城市可用。 因此,将以上列出的所有六个广播和流媒体网络打包成一个付费流媒体包几乎是不可能的。

That means we’re going to have to combine CBS All Access with some of the other streaming TV services in order to get access to everything. The good news is, since none of these services require a contract or extra hardware, you can drop CBS All Access like a bad habit once the football season is over.

这意味着我们将不得不将CBS All Access与其他一些流媒体电视服务结合起来才能访问所有内容。 好消息是,由于这些服务都不需要合同或额外的硬件,一旦足球赛季结束,您可以像个坏习惯那样放弃CBS All Access。

本地频道可能受到限制 (Local Channels May Be Limited)

All of the services we listed above offer streaming broadcast channels, but they’re conditional based on the local affiliate partners for the networks. So if ABC, CBS, FOX, or NBC doesn’t have a partner station in your area (or if that station doesn’t offer a digital stream), then it won’t be available even if your streaming TV service is technically partnered with the national network.

我们上面列出的所有服务都提供流广播频道,但是它们是基于网络本地合作伙伴的条件的。 因此,如果ABC,CBS,FOX或NBC在您所在的地区没有合作伙伴电台(或者该电台不提供数字流),那么即使您的流电视服务在技术上是合作伙伴,它也将不可用与国家网络。

These holes in coverage can get extremely frustrating. Luckily, all of the services offer free trial periods, so be sure to check out your localized lineup during the first few days of service. If one or more of your local stations isn’t appearing, try another service.

这些覆盖范围上的漏洞会非常令人沮丧。 幸运的是,所有服务均提供免费试用期,因此请务必在服务的前几天检查本地化的产品阵容。 如果您的一个或多个本地电台未出现,请尝试另一项服务。

吊装电视 (Sling TV)

The basic  “Orange” tier doesn’t include broadcast networks, so we need to step up to the $25 a month “Blue” package. That includes FOX, NBC, ESPN, and NFL Network—meeting over half of our requirements.

基本的 “橙色”层不包括广播网络,因此我们需要提高每月25美元的“蓝色”套餐。 其中包括FOX,NBC,ESPN和NFL网络-满足了我们一半以上的要求。

To get ABC, we’ll have to add the $5 “Broadcast Extra” fee on top of it, which unfortunately is only available in a few metro areas. Right now those include Chicago, Fresno, Houston, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, Raleigh-Durham, and San Francisco. If you live anywhere else in the US, you’ll be missing a considerable chunk of Sunday games if you choose Sling TV.

要获得ABC,我们必须在此基础上加上5美元的“ Broadcast Extra”费用,不幸的是,这笔费用仅在少数大都市地区可用。 现在,这些城市包括芝加哥,弗雷斯诺,休斯顿,洛杉矶,纽约市,费城,罗利·达勒姆和旧金山。 如果您在美国其他任何地方居住,那么选择Sling TV将会错过很多周日的比赛。

CBS isn’t available anywhere on Sling TV, so to get up to our six-channel target, you’ll have to add CBS All Access as a separate service for $5.99 a month. That gives you everything—assuming you’re in one of the metro areas mentioned above—for a total of $36 a month.

CBS在Sling TV上无处可用,因此要达到我们的六频道目标,您必须以每月5.99美元的价格将CBS All Access作为一项单独服务添加。 假设您身处上述提到的其中一个大都市地区,这每月为您带来36美元的收益。

DirecTV现在 (DirecTV NOW)

DirecTV’s appeal to streamers costs $35 for the basic package, and its “60+ channels” include ABC, ESPN, FOX, and NBC. But it doesn’t offer CBS or NFL Network at any price, so DirecTV is really out of consideration based on price, even if we’re combining it with CBS All Access.

DirecTV对彩带的吸引力是基本套餐的价格为35美元,其“ 60多个频道”包括ABC,ESPN,FOX和NBC。 但是它不提供任何价格的CBS或NFL网络,因此DirecTV实际上是基于价格的考虑,即使我们将其与CBS All Access结合使用也是如此。

PlayStation Vue (PlayStation Vue)

Sony’s oddly PlayStation-branded service offers ESPN and NFL Network on its $45 tier, but its local support for broadcast networks is extremely patchy, especially for ABC and CBS (though some markets get on-demand options for missing channels). Between the poor coverage for broadcast and the higher price, Vue is out of contention, though it if you can get those channels over-the-air.

索尼奇特的PlayStation品牌服务在其45美元级别上提供ESPN和NFL网络,但其对广播网络的本地支持极为零散,特别是对于ABC和CBS(尽管某些市场因缺少频道而按需提供选择)。 在广播质量差和价格高昂之间,Vue毫无争议,尽管您是否可以通过无线方式获取这些频道。

带有直播电视的Hulu (Hulu With Live TV)

Hulu’s standard premium streaming package offers a bunch of shows and movies, but no live streams, which is definitely what you want for sports. The , officially in beta right now, adds a bunch of streaming broadcast and cable channels for $40 a month (that price includes basic Hulu streaming access).

Hulu的标准高级流媒体包提供了许多节目和电影,但没有直播,这绝对是您想要进行体育运动的地方。 的现已在Beta中正式发布,它以每月40美元的价格(包括基本的Hulu流媒体访问)增加了许多流媒体广播和有线频道。

The $40 package includes ABC, CBS (no All Access required), FOX, and NBC—all four broadcast NFL partners with no add-ons. It also has ESPN, but unfortunately omits NFL Network. With Thursday Night Football spread out across three network partners—some of which overlap—that means you’ll miss seven games on the 2017 regular schedule.

40美元的套餐包括ABC,CBS(无需所有访问权),FOXNBC,这四个NFL广播合作伙伴都没有附加组件。 它还具有ESPN,但不幸的是省略了NFL Network。 随着《星期四夜足球》在三个网络合作伙伴中分布(其中一些重叠),这意味着您将在2017年常规赛中缺席七场比赛。

Even without NFL Network, Hulu with Live TV appears to be the most NFL football you can get through a single service. And at $40—only $4 more than the Sling TV + CBS All Access combo—it’s worth considering. Unlike the other options on this list, Hulu’s live streaming currently has no browser access.

即使没有NFL网络,带有直播电视的Hulu似乎也是通过一项服务即可获得的最多NFL橄榄球。 而且价格为40美元(仅比Sling TV + CBS All Access组合价格高出4美元),值得考虑。 与此列表中的其他选项不同,Hulu的实时流当前无法访问浏览器。

YouTube电视 (YouTube TV)

Like Hulu, also offers ABC, CBS (no All Access required), Fox, NBC, and ESPN, but not NFL Network, meaning fans would miss those same seven regular season games. And at $35 a month, it is cheaper than Hulu.

像Hulu一样, 还提供ABC,CBS(无需所有访问权),Fox,NBC和ESPN,但不提供NFL Network,这意味着球迷们会错过同样的七场常规赛比赛。 而且每月35美元,它比Hulu便宜。

Unfortunately, YouTube TV is still in its infancy, and right now it’s only available in a handful of major metro markets—and, frankly, . Hopefully it will be expanded in the future.

不幸的是,YouTube TV仍处于起步阶段,目前仅在少数几个主要的大都市市场中提供-坦率地说,效果。 希望它将在将来扩展。

总结一切 (Summing It All Up)

We can distill all of this information into the following advice.


最便宜的方式获得一切:Sling TV + CBS All Access (The Cheapest Way To Get Everything: Sling TV + CBS All Access)

With all six NFL partner channels covered for only $36 a month, combining and should give you the option of watching every major NFL game this season. You’ll have to switch between apps on your phone, desktop, or streaming box frequently. Both services offer online viewing and apps for iOS, Android, and all major streaming devices.

NFL的六个合作伙​​伴频道每月仅需支付$ 36,将和结合您可以选择观看本赛季的每场主要NFL游戏。 您必须经常在手机,台式机或流媒体盒上的应用程序之间切换。 两项服务均提供在线观看和适用于iOS,Android和所有主要流设备的应用程序。

最便宜的单一服务选项:YouTube电视 (The Cheapest Single-Service Option: YouTube TV)

With all four broadcast networks and ESPN, offers everything except seven exclusive NFL All Access Thursday Night Football games for just $35 a month. Unfortunately, availability is limited to very specific metro areas at the moment. App support is limited to Android and iOS devices, Chromecast/Android TV, and Apple TV via Airplay.

拥有所有四个广播网络和ESPN,可提供除七款独家NFL All Access周四夜足球比赛外的所有内容,每月仅需$ 35。 不幸的是,当前可用性仅限于非常特定的都市区域。 应用程序支持仅限于Android和iOS设备,Chromecast / Android TV和通过Airplay的Apple TV。

具有最广泛可用性的最便宜的单服务选项:带直播电视的Hulu (The Cheapest Single-Service Option with Wide Availability: Hulu with Live TV)

offers all four broadcast networks plus ESPN, leaving only the seven cable-exclusive Thursday Night Football games inaccessible. At $40 a month, it’s more expensive than YouTube TV, but there’s no location-based limitation. As a bonus, it also includes all of Hulu’s standard streaming content. Hulu has apps for all major platforms.

提供了所有四个广播网络以及ESPN,仅剩下七个有线专用的星期四晚上足球比赛无法访问。 每月40美元,比YouTube电视贵,但没有基于位置的限制。 另外,它还包括Hulu的所有标准流内容。 Hulu的应用程序适用于所有主要平台。

移动选项有限 (Mobile Options are Limited)

(and in time for at least some of the 2017 season’s playoff games and the Super Bowl), Verizon is expanding its mobile streaming agreement. Previously only Verizon customers could watch NFL games on their phones, which was eventually turned into a free feature. Now any smartphone user in the US can view all in-market games on their phone for free, regardless of their mobile service provider, and watch on Verizon-owned apps like Yahoo Sports and go90, as well as the original NFL Mobile app.

(至少在2017年季后赛的某些比赛和超级碗比赛之前),Verizon正在扩大其移动流媒体协议。 以前,只有Verizon客户可以在手机上观看NFL游戏,最终将其转变为免费功能。 现在,美国的任何智能手机用户都可以免费在手机上观看所有有价游戏,而无需考虑其移动服务提供商,并可以观看Verizon拥有的应用程序(例如Yahoo Sports和go90)以及原始的NFL Mobile应用程序。

Unfortunately, this deal is only for mobile access. This doesn’t give you access to those NFL games on your PC or tablet (even if your tablet can use the same apps as your phone). And licensing restrictions will keep you from sending the video from your phone to your television using tools like a Chromecast or Apple’s AirPlay. So you can watch all the NFL football you want for free, so long as you don’t watch it on anything bigger than a six-inch screen.

不幸的是,这笔交易用于移动访问。 这无法让您访问PC或平板电脑上的那些NFL游戏(即使平板电脑可以使用与手机相同的应用程序)。 许可限制使您无法使用Chromecast或Apple的AirPlay之类的工具将视频从手机发送到电视。 因此,只要您不观看比6英寸大的屏幕,就可以免费观看所有想要的NFL橄榄球。

Verizon’s deal with the NFL also means it’s the exclusive provider of mobile games, so even if you pay for one of the services listed above, you may be blocked from watching your local channels or ESPN when a game is on, forcing you to use a Verizon-approved app instead. Tools that re-broadcast cable or over-the-air signals, like HDHomeRun, aren’t affected.

Verizon与NFL的交易也意味着它是手机游戏的独家提供商,因此,即使您为上面列出的一项服务付费,当游戏开启时,您可能也无法观看本地频道或ESPN,从而迫使您使用改为Verizon批准的应用。 重新广播电缆或无线信号的工具(例如HDHomeRun)不受影响。

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